创始人 阿尔伯特·J. 索贝
总统 & 创始人 1919-1950
The 创始人 of 凯特林 University in Flint, Mich., did not live to see his school named in honor of Dr. 查尔斯·F. 凯特林, but Major 阿尔伯特·索贝, the man who launched the school in 1919, would no doubt have been pleased.
凯特林在汽车历史上的地位是稳固的,因为他发明了自动启动器, which greatly popularized automobiles. But that was only the beginning. Over the decades, 作为通用汽车研究实验室的主任,这位开创性的科学家和发明家为通用汽车公司带来了大量的好处.
当索比少校在努力建设他的学校(后来以GMI闻名)时,凯特林经常是他的顾问和支持的来源. Over several decades, 他们经常在通用汽车的高管餐厅共进晚餐,有时凯特琳在索比家吃饭. 事实上, 1920年,学院开始了一项新的工厂领班教学计划, 凯特林 was a speaker at the first meeting.
1926年,通用汽车公司接管了学院,并提供了新的建筑和新的校园, 凯特林可能在幕后帮助策划了这个决定. The decision was announced July 12, 1926. 在那天, 索比的弗林特理工学院变成了通用汽车理工学院, with 索贝 as its Director. It was not until 1998 that the institute became 凯特林 University.
“Boss Ket”是一个广为人知的名字,但谁是索比少校,他又是如何得到这个头衔的呢? He earned the title in the Army intelligence during World War I, but it carried over into civilian life because he lost his clothes.
At least that was his story. Immediately after his discharge from the Army at the end of World War I, 索比少校把他的私人衣物寄到了弗林特,但包裹花了几个星期才找到他. Admittedly frugal, he decided that rather than buy new clothes, 作为弗林特工业联谊联盟刚刚创建的教学机构的首任主任,他将在新工作中穿几周的制服. Students, noting the uniform, began calling him Major and it stuck.
Albert was born on or around August 7, 1885, 在基维诺半岛,它延伸到密歇根州西部上半岛的苏必利尔湖. 当时, 当时,基维诺正处于铜矿开采的繁荣期——早于加州淘金热,这是美国第一次大规模的采矿狂潮. Pure Michigan copper was prized worldwide. Towns such as Calumet, Houghton and Hancock, built around mineheads, quickly rose as commercial and cultural centers with big stores, fine schools and substantial music halls and theaters.
Albert’s family lived in a lesser settlement, 波士顿, today a dot on the map halfway between Hancock and Calumet.
When he was four and a half, 他的父亲, a shift captain in the mines with a promising future, was killed when a rock fell several hundred feet down a shaft. The tragedy might have doomed Albert to poverty. But his mother was a hard worker, 通过组织“自由企业”商业活动来维系家庭. 其中包括艾伯特和他的两个姐妹制作和销售人造花. 她还照管了一所校舍,其中包括一所免租金的房子. At 14, Albert became an apprentice in the 波士顿 mines’ machine shop. At 17, he was being groomed to become its master mechanic.
But other forces were at work. Albert’s quick mind had attracted attention. A teacher took an interest and tutored him in high school courses. When his mother remarried, her new husband who had worked in mining management, loaned Albert money to attend college, 所以他去了东兰辛的密歇根农业学院(现在的密歇根州立大学). 阿尔伯特,除了家教,没有上过高中,考试成绩很好,可以被录取. 他于1909年在MAC获得机械和电气工程学士学位.
大学毕业后的几年里,他在兰辛和芝加哥担任土木工程师. When he became seriously ill in 1911, he came home. His stepsister was a nurse and helped in his recuperation. 在他完全康复之前,他的继父意外死于心脏病发作. Realizing the need to help his mother again, 他放弃了回到芝加哥的计划,转而在霍顿的密歇根矿业学院(现在的密歇根理工大学)找到了一份教授数学和物理的工作.
作为一名年轻教师,索比学会了如何对付那些有时好斗的学生. 他经常能够改变他们的态度,并在他们离开他的课堂后得到他们的感谢,因为他教会了他们帮助他们成功的纪律. He also noted young single men in the Copper Country had little to do, so he organized baseball, hockey teams and discussion sessions. 索比发现自己在教学和帮助年轻人成长方面很有一套.
When World War I began, 索贝 joined the Army as a captain, 被任命为军事情报司无线电科助理科长. 他身高5英尺8½,非常瘦——比军方的最低体重要求低7磅, 军队必须得到一项裁决,认定他是“对战争有重要意义的专家”,因为没有其他合适的合格人选.索比可以讲述许多战争故事,包括在霍尔顿的一个海外截获站工作时截获德国军事情报, 缅因州. 战争结束时,他是无线电军事情报部门的一名少校和负责人. The Army wanted him to stay, but he wanted out.
那是1919年,另一次繁荣正在发生——这次是在汽车工业. 成千上万的人搬到弗林特,在世界上最大的工业园区之一生产别克汽车,并在当地其他生产雪佛兰汽车的工厂工作, 文件会, trucks and auto components. Most were part of the General Motors empire. 通用汽车已经成为一个巨大的经济引擎,弗林特是美国最繁荣的城市之一.
当地通用汽车的领导人开始推动一项计划,在弗林特的工业发展联盟下创建一所学校. The primary leader was Buick’s General Manager, Harry 巴塞特. 索贝 agreed to start the school. The first class of the School of Automotive Trades started at 7 p.m. 10月. 20, 1919. 很快,有500名学生在业余时间上课,学校发展迅速. 为工头举办了管理和领导技能的特别课程. 包括凯特林在内的公司领导担任演讲者或讨论领导者. In 1923, the school was renamed the Flint Institute of Technology. 1924年,一个涵盖主要技术和商业领域的课程成为了四年合作工程课程的基础,这也是合作教育诞生的时刻.
A critical moment came in 1926. Harry 巴塞特, who by then had succeeded Walter P. Chrysler as Buick’s 总统, 要求索比参加5月份在弗林特举行的通用汽车执行委员会会议. 索贝被要求就合作教育对通用汽车的价值发表自己的看法. 然后, 巴塞特, emphasizing that the institute was outgrowing its facilities, unveiled a rendering of a new building. “我们应该考虑在未来做类似的事情,”巴塞特告诉大家.
GM 总统, Alfred P. 斯隆小., responded: “Why in the future, Harry? 为什么现在不行呢??”
According to 索贝’s son, 阿尔伯特·J. 所以,凯特林可能是促成斯隆批准计划的关键人物. 小索比说,他的观点“部分是基于我在父亲和凯特林老板的讨论中听到的”.”
With Sloan’s endorsement, the building was approved. 通用汽车收购了弗林特技术学院,并再次更名为通用汽车技术学院. 斯隆和凯特林都在学院的第一届毕业典礼上做了演讲.
The Institute’s expansion during the next two decades was dramatic. 参与的工厂数量扩大到几乎包括通用汽车在美国的所有工厂.S. 包括一些非转基因的弗林特工厂,这些工厂都被列入了豁免范围. By 1947, there were more than 20,000 people enrolled in GMI courses. 1948年,索比少校从GMI的主任晋升为总裁.
索贝 was certainly not a one-man show. 除了GM的同事和他的助手和老师,他还得到了Bess B的帮助. 牡丹. 艾伯特和贝丝开始约会时,贝丝还是杰纳西县师范学校的校长, a teachers’ college. She resigned when they were married on August 16, 1923, because it was the custom in that era for teachers to be unmarried.
They were married at age 37. Bess, born August 1, 1885, was one week older than her husband. Their only child, 阿尔伯特·J., was born when they were 40. 小阿尔伯特回忆说,他的父母“都非常重视年轻人的教育——他是工程师, she for teachers. They became what dad called ‘the 索贝 team.“母亲是GMI的无偿顾问,也是教职员工及其妻子的支持者——甚至是媒人. 我记得许多关于教学风格和人际问题的餐桌和汽车对话.”
In his unpublished autobiography written for his son, 索比少校说,他的一生受到一个雄心壮志的极大影响,那就是充分发挥自己的能力,为他人提供服务,“在我去世后,这些服务将继续存在于他人的生活中。.” He also had a faith in divine guidance which he traced to his mother. That faith, he said, “was supported many, many times. When all other avenues of progress were seemingly closed, 显然是天意注定我要走的那条路最终为我带来了好处.”
阿尔伯特·J., who was 83 when interviewed in late 2008, noted 他的父亲 “used to bring work home almost every day. 我记得餐厅的桌子上铺满了文件,直到深夜. 但他总是有时间看看我是否做了作业,并谈论一些事情.”
The younger 索贝, 谁于1945年毕业于GMI并获得机械和工业工程学位, became an engineer at GM’s Allison Division. He was later the 创始人 and 总统 of Transportation Technology, an outside company, 然后回到通用汽车担任能源和先进产品经济总监. He still actively supports 凯特林. His wife Barbara died in 2007 after 59 years of marriage. Their two sons and a daughter are now in their 50s. There are two grandchildren.
In the World War II years, when the younger 索贝 attended GMI, he recalled more than half the students were not from the Flint area. 学校没有宿舍,所以学生们住在租来的房子里或兄弟会的房子里. 他们都是认真的学生,课业繁重,几乎没有闲暇时间. While the first woman to graduate was Karen (Morman) Stewart in 1970, some women were taking classes at GMI during the war years, 阿尔伯特·J. 回忆.
Every now and then, GMI和索贝面临着巨大的挑战,有时来自通用汽车或GMI董事会本身. 索贝 could usually find a way to defuse an issue. 至少一次, 他改写了学校评论家的评论,将自己的想法融入其中,然后提出. The revision was approved.
20世纪30年代, 大萧条变得如此严重,以至于通用汽车认真考虑关闭该研究所. 面对如此多的工程师,通用汽车对培养新工程师提出了质疑. 索比的成功回应强调,总有一天通用汽车会需要这些年轻的工程师,同时, he mapped out a drastic reduction in the budget. 工资, including his own, 被裁掉了,学生们承担了打扫教学楼和食堂的工作. When GM’s financial situation brightened a year or two later, 索比能够在圣诞晚会上给每个员工发信封,发给他们以为已经放弃的工资.
Another crisis surfaced during World War II. GMI的学生很难获得军事委任状,因为GMI没有获得认证. 索比利用他在华盛顿的人脉,让GMI毕业生被军方录取. Another issue: Since GMI was not a public school, it did not qualify for advanced officer technical training. 因此,它的本科生入伍后,被送往麻省理工学院、耶鲁大学和斯坦福大学等学校. 总的来说,他们很受欢迎,并帮助GMI建立了良好的声誉.
爸爸希望GMI的毕业生不仅能在事业上取得成功,而且能成为后代人的榜样,” said 阿尔伯特·J., 他还为GMI的学生举办了晚餐会议,邀请商界领袖讲述他们的个人哲学. 他的目的是表明成功人士可以有强烈的道德信念.”
1945年,GMI决定寻求认证,并在很大程度上因为其毕业生的记录而获得批准. 从1919年只有一个班级开始,索比带领学院走了很长一段路.
As 索贝 neared his 65th birthday and mandatory retirement in 1950, the praise for his work began to roll in. 1949年,在他抵达弗林特30周年纪念日举行了纪念活动. And on his retirement a year later, there were pages of comments about his leadership skills, his ability to influence students and his concept of service.
A tablet was placed at the entrance of GMI that reads:
大力倡导工业培训,并担任通用汽车协会首任总裁兼董事, 的愿景, 信念和领导能力为本机构的发展和人们在工业界的进步作出了巨大贡献.
His son recalled: “After he retired, 他继续赞助晚宴,让通用汽车和其他公司的演讲者讲述他们在职业生涯中如何解决道德问题. 他还启动了一个项目,帮助小型学院从通用汽车公司找到资深人员,就类似的话题向学生授课.”
Major 索贝 was 75 when he died of cancer in 1960. Bess lived seven more years.
索比少校去世22年后,通用汽车决定终止对GMI的所有权. 阿尔伯特·J. said that like many graduates, he was “incensed” by that 1982 decision. “We felt that the reasons GM gave were all wrong. But in retrospect, considering what has occurred in the U.S. 从那时起,这可能是发生的最好的事情.”
当通用汽车和GMI断绝关系时,又需要更改名称. 通用汽车学院成为GMI工程与管理学院(GMI/EMI). 这种情况一直持续到1998年,当时更名为正规的赌博app. 索比少校本人并没有获得这一荣誉的知名度, but seeking personal attention was never his style. 以他的老朋友命名他的作品“凯特林老板”会给他的学校带来有利的关注,这对少校来说是可以接受的.