我们很高兴你能加入我们这个激动人心的庆祝活动! 进入正规的赌博app的阿特伍德体育场需要门票. You will not be allowed to enter the stadium if you do not have a ticket.
阿特伍德体育场将于上午8点30分对客人开放.m. 在典礼的早晨. Attendees will enter the stadium via the northwest and northeast gates at the corners of the stadium facing University Avenue. 请注意这一点, 哪个是大多数客人会进入的地方, 最容易接近的座位是在 体育场最上面的两排.
Guests with accessible seating tickets will enter the stadium via Gate S. Only those with pre-requested accessible seating and/or reserved seating are permitted to park in the 阿特伍德球场 Lot located on Stone Street. (被称为现场级别) & 预留停车位(见下图). 停车证是必需的.
Guest parking is free and will be located in the grass lots surrounding the stadium. 可用地段如下图所示:
Please note that only those with pre-requested accessible seating designated for guests using mobility-assisted devices (such as motorized 轮椅, 轮椅, 步行者, etc…) and/or reserved seating are permitted to park in the 阿特伍德球场 Lot located on Stone Street. (被称为现场级别) & (如上图所示). 停车证是必需的. Guests with a state-issued handicap parking license plate and/or handicap parking permit are invited to park in the lot along Begole Street (Identified with a 上面地图上的符号). 将提供高尔夫球车班车到大门口.
- 仪式大约持续2-2个半小时. 整个仪式请留下.
- 万一遇到恶劣天气, 仪式可能会推迟到周六晚些时候举行, 6月15日, 也可能改到星期天, 6月16日, 早上九点半.m. 天气预报将在早上6点发出.m. 在周六, 6月15日, and updates will be provided via email to participating graduates and on the University's Social 媒体 Accounts.
- 鼓励拍照, though they are only allowed from your seat during the ceremony; t在这里 is no guest access to the stage area. Professional photographers will be on-site to capture photos of each graduate.
- 客人不允许进入毕业生集会区或现场座位区.
- We do not allow balloons, banners, signs, noise makers, or other disruptive items.
祝贺你毕业! 我很荣幸能表彰你们的辛勤工作和奉献精神. 下面的细节将帮助你的一天顺利进行.
如果你获得的学位日期是9月23日, 2023, 12月16日, 2023, 或等待3月23日, 2024, 或6月14日, 2024, 并被确认为学位候选人, 你们是2024届的毕业生. 你必须 发请帖 对于仪式.
8:00 a.m. - Report to Bluff St/Stevenson Street to check in and pick up your Graduate Card
9:00 a.m. -毕业生阵容
9:30 a.m. -正式游行及仪式开始
11:30 a.m. -仪式结束(预计结束时间)
Graduates should arrive no later than one hour prior to the start of the ceremony to check in and pick up their Graduate Card. This card will be handed off to our name reader before you enter the stage to receive your diploma. The registrar’s office will be onsite to direct and assist graduates in lining up for the processional. Graduates will proceed to the stadium gates when the ceremony is ready to begin.
我们问那个钱包, 袋, 外套, and other personal items be given to family or friends before the ceremony. 手机 and electronic devices should be silenced or turned off before the start of the procession.
因为典礼在阿特伍德体育场举行, 所有参加者/参加者必须穿平底鞋 on the field level.
仪式将持续大约2- 2个半小时. 教务长会示意你站起来, 一次一行, 来接受你的毕业证书. 你走到台上,把你的名片交给我们的阅名员. Once your name is called, you will walk forward across the stage to receive your diploma.
当你收到毕业证书时,会给你拍照. 然后你将回到你的座位上. 按照教职员的指示去休息.
Graduates are required to wear academic regalia when participating in the 正规的赌博app 毕业典礼 ceremony. Academic regalia is available for purchase online with Oak Hall and will not be available onsite at 毕业典礼. 王室徽章的购买必须在2024年5月21日星期二之前完成.
点击 在这里 为2024年的仪式订购你的礼服.
一旦收到, we recommend IMMEDIATELY opening the package to hang your gown (and hood if applicable). 这一步将有助于消除所有的皱纹. 长袍可以蒸,但不能压,因为这会损坏长袍.
牛津大学的学术标志是黑色的帽子和长袍. 你的学位决定流苏的颜色. Graduates with double majors can purchase an additional tassel on the 网站 outside of the bundle.
毕业典礼是你人生中的一个里程碑, and we welcome you to decorate your cap as you celebrate your hard work and dedication. Please take the following information into consideration as you decorate.
- 只有平的,顶部的部分可以装饰. Nothing else should be decorated on the sides of the cap or your academic gown.
- 装饰物不应发出噪音. 没有铃声、喇叭等.
- 避免淫秽、亵渎、粗俗或淫荡的言论
- Elements of your design should lay as flat as possible to avoid obstructed views.
Shoes and other articles of visible apparel worn should be of dark colors that harmonize with academic dress. 毕业礼服上不能穿其他衣服. 因为典礼在阿特伍德体育场举行, 所有参加者/参加者必须穿平底鞋.
Graduates will be able to request unlimited tickets for their guests this year. 入场需购票. 要预订机票, 点击这里.
无障碍座位位于场地层, and it can be accessed via the South East stadium gate (Gate S) off of the 阿特伍德球场 停车 Lot. Guests requesting accessible seating should contact The University 事件 & 典礼队 events@mountaintope.com 欲知更多详情. 这些票不能通过网上订票系统预订.
物理地址: 大学大道701号. Flint MI 48504
可以找到A-Z体育场政策 在这里.
- 双筒望远镜,箱子都要检查
- 毯子
- 相机
- 手机
- 小于12 " x 12 " x 6 "的袋
- 雨服装
- 坐垫上
- 不妨碍他人视线的小伞
一般来说, any items that obstruct the view of other guests or that can be used as projectiles, that interfere with the comfort of other guests or are deemed inappropriate/hazardous by stadium security are prohibited.
客人须接受目视检查, 包裹, 袋, 以及能隐藏违禁物品的衣物. Changes in national, regional, and campus security may affect security procedures.
- 酒精
- 烟草,包括电子烟和蒸汽烟
- 被批准的动物
- 枪支、武器和尖锐物品,包括狼牙棒和胡椒喷雾
- 大于12 " x 12 " x 6 "的袋
- 冷却器和容器,包括瓶子和饮料容器
- 标志或横幅
- 自行车
- 滑板
- 广场外的婴儿车
- 大声喧哗
- 大伞
- 妨碍他人视线的物体
- 带有亵渎或不恰当符号或措辞的衣服
- Hazardous materials including but not limited to explosives and fireworks
- 激光指针
- 有问题棒
- 擅闯、拉客、叫卖和闲逛
- 任何非法物质
- 任何其他被认为危险或不适当的项目或行为
The ceremony will be livestreamed for those who are unable to attend the ceremony in person. The link will be shared on the 毕业典礼 Webpage and via email to graduates before 毕业典礼 weekend.
We have hired GradImages® to photograph commencement and to capture each graduate as they are individually recognized. 校样将在仪式后48小时内提供. 要在线查看您的照片校样,请访问gradimage® 网站. 如果你对你的照片有任何疑问, 请致电(800)261-2576与gradimage®客户服务部联系, 在网上 www.gradimages.com 或电子邮件 giservice@gradimages.网.
鲜花将在毕业典礼上出售. 另外, 毕业典礼 花 provides graduates and guests the opportunity to pre-order products 在网上 www.thecommencementgroup.com/kettering/.
Join other graduates and pay it forward to the next generation of Kettering students. 你的20美元捐款.24 to the Keep Me Kettering Scholarship Fund will support students who are in need of financial assistance, and you'll receive a teal-blue philanthropy cord to wear at 毕业典礼. 点击这里制作你的高级礼物.